Frequently Used Zimbra CLI
The Zimbra administration console is usually used as the mail tool for configuring and maintaining Zimbra. But actually, some Zimbra function can only be changed using the Command Line Interface (CLI) utility. More »
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The Zimbra administration console is usually used as the mail tool for configuring and maintaining Zimbra. But actually, some Zimbra function can only be changed using the Command Line Interface (CLI) utility. More »
Aaron Greenspace, seorang pemilik account Google Adsense yang ditutup oleh Google telah mengajukan tuntutan kepada Google dan menang. Oleh sidang Google diwajibkan membayar USD 761 kepada Aaron. Aoron menuliskan pengalamannya ini di Internet dan dengan cepat berita ini menyebar luas dan memberi publisitas tidak sedap bagi Google. More »
Tags: adsenseI’ve heard about Facebook application on Blackberry. I’ve also seen a Facebook application on my wife phone, but I don’t have Facebook application on my Windows Mobile PDA. Usually I used the browser on my PDA to access Facebook. That was history. Windows just released a Facebook application for Windows Mobile 6 phone. I just installed it. I find something realy nice in the application. I can have my contacts/friends list shown like my contact list in my phone. I can easily send message to them or even call them. It is also easy to capture and upload photos/videos directly from the application. Actually, I rarely use Facebook. Sometimes, almost a month I don’t even visit facebook. Maybe this application will make me visit Facebook more. 🙂
Do you have a blog? Still host it at or ? Want to have a blog on your own domain name ? You can host a blog with your own domain name with only USD 2.2. You can also host your email account and have 50 mailboxes with 7 GB disk space for each mailbox for free. More »
Tags: godaddy, google apps, Web hostingDo you use your own domain name for your blog? Need to host your blog for free? Use free web hosting.
Some hosting provider provide their service for free and have a reliable service. More »
Some times you need to trace a device (PC or notebook) is connected to which switch and port. For example, you need to find which switch and port is connected to a rogue DHCP server. If you are using Cisco catalyst switch, having the device IP and/or MAC address in hand you can find the device by searching at the mac address table of the switch. Although it is not difficult to do, in a big network, this task can be time consuming. More »
Tags: catalyst, cisco, SwitchDalam pertemuannya dengan DPR, Selasa (9/6/2009), Ketua BPK Anwar Nasution menyatakan bahwa dana BLT untuk rakyat berasal dari pinjaman asing dengan bunga antara 12-13 persen. Bila benar demikian, sungguh ironis dan celaka negara ini bila pengelolaan keuangan negara dilakukan seperti ini. More »
Hi there, welcome to my blog. I’m moving all the articles from to
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Tags: blog5 kata ini menggambarkan lima hal seputar kunjungan 3 hari di Bali minggu lalu: wireless, wired, pantai, Massimo, Take. Biar jelas, begini ceritanya:
– wireless: tugas utama memastikan koneksi wireless di seluruh area villa H&H dan villa Mr. KH
– wired: yg ini bikin susah. Karena wireless AP tetap perlu sambungan kabel listrik dan sambungan kabel data ke switch. Urusan wireless selesai dalam 1 hari, urusan wired menyebabkan jadi 3 hari
– pantai Bali: 3 hari di Bali tidak setapak pun sempat menginjak pantai. Padahal pantainya hanya 2 menit jalan kaki dari villa 🙁
– Massimo: famous Italian restaurant di Bali dgn menu yg menyenangkan menjadi tempat bersantap malam hari pertama.
– Take: the best Japanese restaurant di Bali dengan sashimi dan shabu-shabunya yang uenak menjadi tempat bersantap malam hari kedua.
Udah jelas ? Lieur ah…
Saat utak-atik fasilitas Vista Panel di Byethost, perhatianku tertuju pada fasilitas File Manager yg tidak seperti biasanya File Manager di CPanel. Ternyata itu adalah aplikasi Net2FTP yaitu sebuah web-based FTP client yang menyediakan fungsi FTP client menggunakan browser. More »
Tags: FTP client, Net2FTP, web based