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Google Apps (free edition) only for single user

January 5th, 2013 | Comments Off on Google Apps (free edition) only for single user | Posted in Domain Name, Mail server, Web hosting, Windows

googleappsThis morning, I notice that I cannot create a new free  Google Apps account any more.  Actually I wanted to create this Google Apps account for my wife start up project.

Google said that “Starting on December 6, 2012, Google will no longer offer new accounts for the free edition of Google Apps.   If you already have the free edition, you can continue to use it for free. This change has no impact on existing users of the free edition. ” More »

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MCITP Server Administrator

December 18th, 2012 | 128 Comments | Posted in Certification, Windows

mcitp-serveradminSejak lulus ujian 649 TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist tanggal 26 Februari 2008, pernah direncanakan untuk segera meneruskan ujian agar mendapatkan sertifikasi MCITP Server Administrator dan MCITP Enterprise Administrator.  Namun kesibukan kerja dan kemalasan lebih dominan sehingga rencana ujian tsb diabaikan.  

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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 3)

July 17th, 2011 | 33,606 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

OpenVPN Configuration
Here are the steps to configure OpenVPN using Webmin:

1. Create Certification Authority
To create the Certification Authority, go to Server -> OpenVPN + CA, click on Certification Authority List. More »

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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 2)

July 12th, 2011 | 46 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

Installing OpenVPN Server
In my configuration, I use CentOS 5.3 with 1 CPU 2.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 40 GB HD, and one NIC as the server.  To make it easier when installing OpenVPN, I use RPMForge repository. First I need to download rpmforge release package then install it. More »

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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 1)

July 12th, 2011 | 53 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

openvpnOur company have several branches and mobile users that need to access data in the head office. I need to provide VPN access for them. I want a solution for site-to-site VPN that is cost effective, stable, easy to use and configure with Graphical User Interface. After exploring the documentation in the net, I find the solution for my need. I use OpenVPN with Webmin running on CentOS server in the head office side. As for the branches side, I choose pfSense. And for the mobile users, I use OpenVPN client for Windows. More »

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Microsoft Trificiency @ JCC

November 25th, 2009 | 44 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Windows

Pada tanggal 24 November 2009, Microsoft Indonesia mengadakan acara Join Business Launch dengan agenda peluncuran produk baru Microsoft.   Produk yang diluncurkan adalah Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 dan Exchange Server 2010.  Dengan tema acara “Trificiency – The New Efficiency” Microsoft memamerkan kehebatan ketiga produk tsb yang dapat “do more” with “less cost”.

Dalam acara ini Microsoft juga memberi penghargaan kepada para IT Professional dengan menampilkan di panggung 77 orang pertama Indonesia yang lulus sertifikasi Windows 7 serta recognition bagi 60 orang peserta Exchange 2010 Ignite Traning.

Dan seperti acara launching Windows Server 2008 tempo hari, kali ini saya juga dapat kaos baru dan berkesempatan naik panggung lagi sebagai peserta Exchange 2010 Ignite Training 🙂

Installing Exchange Server 2007 SP2

September 20th, 2009 | 90 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

e2k7Microsoft has released service pack 2 for exchange server 2007 on August 24th, 2009.  It is available for download here.  Exchange 2007 SP2 includes many new features.  You can find the complete list of SP2 new features in You Had Me At EHLO blog.  One thing I like most is :

  • Exchange Volume Snapshot Backup Functionality A new backup plug-in has been added to the product that will enable customers to create Exchange backups when a backup is invoked through the Windows Server 2008 Backup tool.

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Error moving default offline address book generation server

September 18th, 2009 | 41 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

e2k7I got an error when I try to move default offline address book generation server to other server.  The original OAB generation server cannot be found.  It was a testing server that was accidently deleted after migration process.  To solve this problem, I need to delete the old default OAB, create new default OAB, specify the new default OAB as the OAB for all mailbox database.

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How to uninstall Exchange Server 2007

September 17th, 2009 | 42 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

e2k7There are some prerequisites need to be meet before you can uninstall Exchange Server 2007 from a server.   Completely removing this Exchange 2007 server from a server will includes removing all server roles, all installation files, and the Exchange server object and all its child objects from the Active Directory directory service. More »


Only disconnected mailboxes can be reconnected

September 12th, 2009 | 50 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

e2k7This article explain about how to solve a problem of a disconnected mailbox that cannot be removed because the MaiboxGuid exist twice. The MailboxGuid of the disconnected mailbox is the same as the MailboxGuid of other active mailbox in different database. This problem arise when I disabled a mailbox of a user, created new mailbox for that user and moved the mailbox to other mailbox database. More »
