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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 3)

July 17th, 2011 | 33,606 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

OpenVPN Configuration
Here are the steps to configure OpenVPN using Webmin:

1. Create Certification Authority
To create the Certification Authority, go to Server -> OpenVPN + CA, click on Certification Authority List. More »

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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 2)

July 12th, 2011 | 46 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

Installing OpenVPN Server
In my configuration, I use CentOS 5.3 with 1 CPU 2.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 40 GB HD, and one NIC as the server.  To make it easier when installing OpenVPN, I use RPMForge repository. First I need to download rpmforge release package then install it. More »

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Installing and Configuring OpenVPN Server on CentOS using Webmin (part 1)

July 12th, 2011 | 53 Comments | Posted in Linux, Security, Windows

openvpnOur company have several branches and mobile users that need to access data in the head office. I need to provide VPN access for them. I want a solution for site-to-site VPN that is cost effective, stable, easy to use and configure with Graphical User Interface. After exploring the documentation in the net, I find the solution for my need. I use OpenVPN with Webmin running on CentOS server in the head office side. As for the branches side, I choose pfSense. And for the mobile users, I use OpenVPN client for Windows. More »

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