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Lagu kebangsaan Malaysia mirip lagu Indonesia berjudul Terang Bulan

August 29th, 2009 | 86 Comments | Posted in Gado-gado

Aksi klaim Malaysia terhadap hasil karya seni dan budaya Indonesia telah menimbulkan kemarahan bangsa Indonesia.   Terakhir, Malaysia melakukan klaim terhadap tari Pendet dari Bali.  Aksi Malaysia ini akhirnya membuat perusahaan rekaman negara Lokananta, Solo, berencana melakukan somasi kepada Malaysia berkaitan dengan dugaan plagiat lagu.

Ternyata, lagu Kebangsaan Malaysia, Negaraku, memiliki kemiripan dengan lagu Indonesia berjudul Terang Bulan.   Nada kedua lagu tersebut sama persis, hanya beda syair.  Lagu Terang Bulan direkam pada 1956 di Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Jakarta.  Pada 1965, lagu itu direkam dan disimpan di perusahaan rekaman negara Lokananta, Solo, Jawa Tengah.   Sebelumnya, Terang Bulan telah populer dan dinyanyikan sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia di Sumatra.

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Remove disconnected mailboxes in Exchange 2007

August 15th, 2009 | 44 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

In Exchange 2007, there are two options to delete a mailbox:
1.  Remove Mailbox
2.  Disable Mailbox
If you remove a mailbox, the mailbox data that is stored in the Exchange mailbox database is marked for deletion and the associated user account is also deleted from Active Directory. If you disable a mailbox,  the user account is retain, it will only disassociate the mailbox data from the user account.

Exchange retain disconnected mailboxes in the mailbox database based on the deleted mailbox retention settings configured for that mailbox database. In Exchange 2007, the default retention period is 30 days.  During this time, the disconnected mailbox can be recovered by associating it with an existing Active Directory user account.  After the specified retention period, a disconnected mailbox is permanently deleted from the Exchange mailbox database. More »


How to update the Disconnected Mailbox list in Exchange 2007

August 14th, 2009 | 47 Comments | Posted in Exchange server, Mail server, Windows

Sometimes, we need to delete/remove a mailbox from one user account and reconnect it to other user account. When we delete/remove mailbox from Exchange 2007, we can’t see it immediately in the Disconnected Mailbox list under Recipient Configuration.  In Exchange 2007, there is no GUI facility like “Run Clean Up Agent” in Exchange 2003.

To update the Disconnected Mailbox list, we need to use cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell.  Use the Clean-MailboxDatabase cmdlet against the mailbox database it was in.

Here is how to do it:

1.  First, let’s list the Mailbox Databases that we have using the Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet.

[PS] C:\> Get-MailboxDatabase

Name                Server        StorageGroup            Recovery
----                ------        ------------            --------
Mailbox Database    Server1       First Storage Group     False
Executive Database  Server1       Second Storage Group    False
Mailbox Database    Server2       First Storage Group     False
Partner Database    Server2       Second Storage Group    False

2.  Clean up the database.  To clean up specific database on specific server, use these cmdlet:

[PS] C:\> Clean-MailboxDatabase "Server1\Mailbox Database"

[PS] C:\> Clean-MailboxDatabase "Server2\Partner Database"

After running the cmdlet you will see the disconnected mailbox in the Disconnected Mailbox list.

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Lose job via Facebook

August 12th, 2009 | 62 Comments | Posted in Facebook Fail, Social networking

The image shown below clearly tell us about someone that get fired because of the status message on Facebook.  This is an implication if social media platforms are used the wrong way.  Lessons learned from this story:

1. Choose your words carefully before writing your status message

2. Add your friend on Facebook wisely.  Only add families or friends you really know.  If you add your colleagues or bosses, remember not to write rude remarks on them.

You can click on the image below to find the actual post by Applicant

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