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Wake Up

September 21st, 2019 | 10,653 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Wake up

Maximum Number of Telnet Sessions Active

April 8th, 2013 | 202 Comments | Posted in network, Switch

By default, ProCurve switches support a total of three open Telnet sessions and do not automatically terminate sessions that were not properly exited.
When the maximum telnet session reached, when we try to telnet the switch, we will get a message “Sorry, the maximum number of telnet sessions are active. Try again later.”
To close the open Telnet sessions, it is necessary to either access the switch over the serial console port and kill the sessions, or else reboot.
When you access the switch through a serial console session, issue the command: “kill” at the prompt. This closes the open Telnet sessions.
To close specific telnet session, issue the command “kill <session>”. You can issue the command “show telnet” to list the telnet session.
To automatically close inactive Telnet sessions, configure an inactivity timer setting.

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Google Apps (free edition) only for single user

January 5th, 2013 | 1,771 Comments | Posted in Domain Name, Mail server, Web hosting, Windows

googleappsThis morning, I notice that I cannot create a new free  Google Apps account any more.  Actually I wanted to create this Google Apps account for my wife start up project.

Google said that “Starting on December 6, 2012, Google will no longer offer new accounts for the free edition of Google Apps.   If you already have the free edition, you can continue to use it for free. This change has no impact on existing users of the free edition. ” More »

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MCITP Server Administrator

December 18th, 2012 | 128 Comments | Posted in Certification, Windows

mcitp-serveradminSejak lulus ujian 649 TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist tanggal 26 Februari 2008, pernah direncanakan untuk segera meneruskan ujian agar mendapatkan sertifikasi MCITP Server Administrator dan MCITP Enterprise Administrator.  Namun kesibukan kerja dan kemalasan lebih dominan sehingga rencana ujian tsb diabaikan.  

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12-12-12 12:12

December 12th, 2012 | 94 Comments | Posted in Gado-gado

a post on a special time

Reset forgotten MySQL root password

July 6th, 2012 | 157 Comments | Posted in Linux, MySQL

If you forgot your MySQL root password, then this article will help you. This article explains how to reset a forgotten mysql root password.  This process require root access on the server. More »

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Deny file/directory deletion and directory creation in vsftpd

July 6th, 2012 | 109 Comments | Posted in FTP, Linux, network

vsftpdSome times there is situation when we need users to be able to upload files to ftp server but not allowed to delete files/directories and create directory.

vsftpd have cmds_allowed directive that can be used for this purpose. In this directive, specifies a comma-delimited list of FTP commands allowed by the server.  All other commands not specified are rejected. More »

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vsftpd log files

July 6th, 2012 | 92 Comments | Posted in FTP, Linux, network

vsftpdIn vsftpd we can choose between these two log types:

– log only the file transfer (upload/download) information.

– log all FTP commands and responses. We will need this log when debugging FTP problems.

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Finally… real hosting

May 16th, 2012 | 577 Comments | Posted in Blogging, Web hosting

Finally, after a week of “redirect to bodis . com”, i  have my website back.

And finally …. i pay for the premium hosting account.

No more force redirect like the free hosting …  😉


Restrict file type with vsftpd

September 4th, 2011 | 170 Comments | Posted in FTP, Linux, network

vsftpdvsftpd have an option to restrict file type(s) for upload/download.  That vsftpd option is deny_file.  For example, to restrict file *.mp3 and *.avi, use this in vsftpd configuration file:


If we put the option in vsftpd.conf, it will be applied to all vsftpd users.  In virtual users configuration, we can put the option in specific user configuration file, so only selected user will be affected by the configuration.

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